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Growing Up

No word yet on the cell phone bill. Nikole obviously isn't paying me for it so I called T-Mobile and asked if they could remove the charges since I didn't place any of the calls. Didn't tell them I knew who did of course, but since none of the numbers she called have EVER showed up on my phone bill, I'm hoping that they will take off the charges. After that's over, I can let it all go and chalk it up as a lesson learned. Money+Friends doesn't mix.

Anyway, I've been realizing lately that I am getting older. That people I know are all having children, or are already on their second or third. I'm only 23, so I usually don't think that I am that old, but realizing that my friends and acquantances are starting families makes me realize that I'm growing up. That people my age are at that point in their lives. It's started making me really think about when I will be ready to have a family. I know I am not ready now, but when will I be... a year, five years... I don't know, and my Mom is starting to drop hints that she would like grandkids... FREAKY! It's not that I don't want children, because I totally do and everytime I'm around babies, I totally start to get the fever, but I want so many more things to be checked off my life list before I have kids. I know they make your life so much better, but they also make it harder to do things, to get up and go places, to sleep in... So, here is my life list of things I want to do before I have kids:

  • Take a honeymoon
  • Pay off my credit cards
  • Get my MBA
  • Travel, travel, and travel (Destination #1: Italy)
  • Figure out my career goals and where/what I want to do
  • Build up my savings account
  • See the Grand Canyon (I live in Arizona, so this one should be easy!)
  • Completely finish all the repairs/upgrades/decorating in my house
  • Get a regular workout routine (i.e., get in the habit of working out 3-4 times/week)

That's all I got for now. Not much I know, I will have to think about the rest. But look at my list... it's very "GROWN UP" isn't it... my point exactly! It's sad. Dude, we're getting old!