Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


Do the men in your life need this?

Help the men in your life stay on track and know when to not mess with you.

Check out

Here is their info blurb:

"Welcome to! is a free service created with a single goal in mind: to keep you aware of when your wife, girlfriend, mother, sister, daughter, or any other women in your life are closing in on "that time of the month" - when things can get intense for what may seem to be no reason at all.

For women, this is a great way to give people in your life a heads-up of when you might be feeling a bit irritable without having an awkward conversation.

What's more, we will not only keep you informed, but will give you some free advice on what to do about it. With, there is no reason to ever be blindsided by PMS again. - Saving relationships, one month at a time!

What an interesting concept. And FYI, there are 863 members starting PMS today... are you one of them?


Mrs. Amaral said...

thats freakin great. where do you find this stuff??? very random!

Shanny said...

lol too funny!