Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker


A few things to never say to a pregnant woman:

"Are you sure it's not twins?"

  • I have a huge stomach. I know. I'm growing a child.
"Are you sure you're only (insert number) weeks along? You seem so big!"
  • Yep, pretty sure I know when I conceived. I'm sure.
"How cute, you're waddling."
  • Waddling is not cute. And I'm waddling because I'm uncomfortable. Jerk.
"Your arms are bigger than Jimmy's!"
  • Hahahaha. You. Deserve. To. Be. Punched. In. The. Throat. HARD.
"How much have you gained?"
  • It's none of your business and I'm pregnant. I'm supposed to gain weight. What's your excuse?
"Hey Chubby!"
  • If you weren't 85 years old I'd tell you where you could shove it.
"My brother's wife's cousin's sister had the worst labor (and go on to tell a horrifying story)."
  • I'm scared enough about this empending labor thing. I don't need your input. Thanks!
"Are you planning on going natural?"
  • Ok random man at the McDonald's drive thru. So not an appropriate question from a COMPLETE stranger.

I'm sure there are more, but these are a few from the last week... really, if you wouldn't say it to someone in a normal situation, please don't think it's appropriate to say to a pregnant woman. Cuz it's not.


Hanna said...

Oh my gosh! I would never ever think of saying any of those things to a preganant lady...ever! Not even a close friend! Good thing you're a tough chick! Wow...not looking forward to those kind of comments in the future!