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Arrest me NOW.

I just read an article in the newspaper that absolutely APPALLED me. Apparently, two high schools in South Carolina had the local police ARREST people at their graduation ceremonies who cheered "too loud" for their family member or friend. The schools had asked the students and their family/friends to hold their cheers until all names had been read. When people cheered after individual names were announced, they were escorted out of the ceremony and ARRESTED and face a fine of up to $1,000. In some case, the students' diplomas were HELD until they completed an 8-hour community service class to make up for their family/friends distruptive behavior at their graduation. For the full story, click here.

Are you freaking kidding me?!? What kind of dictatorship regime are we living in?

It was bad enough at my high school graduation when they wouldn't let us bounce the giant beach ball...