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Economics 101

I totally ripped this off from another blog, but it was so insightful (and funny) that I couldn't resist.

If your bummed about Wall Street and the feds spending a bumload of cash on ugly
houses or whatever (details weird me out), never fear!

Guys, the same thing totally happened to Britney.

It's like a modern-day pride cycle, and those ALWAYS work out well. Remember how Brit was awesome and hot with a rockin' bod and cute boys loved her, then all of a sudden she was a fat druggie hag clawing at camras and her cutie kids had to go with creepy thugged-out K-Fed while she was in germy downer rehab? Remember how all the quote-un-quote experts said her carreer was over, they said she'd totally crashed and burned and there was no hope and the years of riotis living had caught up with her, end of story??


All the so-called experts are flipping out, shrieking "It's gonna be worse than the Great Depression!" (which honestly, would it be that bad?? Black and white is cool, everyone was super skinny back then AND raggy = vintage = HOT so I say, bring it! My forlorn slash hungry pout is one of my cutest). Anyways, everyone saying the economies are toast is just like when everyone said fatty Brit was here to stay. Guess what, America!? Haters were wrong! Did you SEE all those VMAs and how she's hot again??? Have you LOOKED at the top 10 on itunes lately?? Just like Britney, the econ's gonna come back hotter than EVER. So ok, maybe we as a nation have to go through our own custody probs, psychyatric evals, bad slash crazy hairdos, etc., but then the USA will have its own economic version of BRITNEY IS FREAKING BACK!

Our economy now:

Our economy soon:

Stole from here.


Mrs. Amaral said...

Ahh...i love it!!!!