So, I'm obviously not great about keeping this thing updated. I'll blame it on the child, a busy life, and me being lazy. So we have some news, that pretty much anyone who reads this will already know.
I'm pregnant with Baby 2.0. I'm currently 16 weeks 2 days, due on December 26th. Here is the background up to this point:
+ test - 4/17
Bloodwork on 4/17 (10DPO) - 40
Bloodwork on 4/19 (12DPO) - 97
Bloodwork on 4/25 (18DPO) - 2188
We heard the heartbeat at our first appointment on 5/3 and it was 180. Every appointment since has gone well and we will find out if we 're having another little boy or if I get to buy bows on 7/24! I'm getting very excited.
This was sometime last week, so ~15 weeks (I know it's blury):